
after the spring holidays

how are you there? i wish that you are all right
today i returned to work, the spring holidays was finished.
it's excelent to work after 2 weeks of rest, today i felt so happy and so motivated, my students as well.

and also the spring blessoms and cool weather is coraging to do all our best.

i like the spring, it's my favorite season. and i use to have several inspirations in this season... and i use to write alot....

i shoosed some photos in which you'll see some aspects of the tunisian nature in spring season, the place where is tooken that photos is situated at the top north of the republic, it's fantastic places, specially TABARKA, and AIN DRAHAM...

see you soonly, have happy day


Kiriboshi-daikon and most famous governor

March 20 was national holiday. Many japanese people visit family grave. But I forgot. So today my mother call me and request to visit if I have a time.

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ASIDA is desert??

Last saturday I bought "Kiriboshi daikon", it is sliced-dried Daikon(Japanese radish).
This price is 100yen. now 100yen = 1US dolllar. It is cheap for me.

Daikon(Japanese radish) is popular vegetable among japanese people. Because it is big and heavy, but is cheap, so I like so much.

And you can see an illustration on the package. He is a most famous governor in Japan, name is Hideo Higashikokubaru.
Once he was comedian, and he was indecent man. But he changed his mind and decide went university to study local government. After he was elected a governor, he works hard for local people and now he is the one of most respectable governor in Japan.

Sometimes I cook "Kiriboshi-daikon". Perhaps it is Japanese cuisine...



thanks for telling me about skura and japanese traditions


thanks so much for this sweet introduction about the sakura, and the japanese traditions, it's so interested for me to know the civic simbols related to japanese emblems. my be i will learn alot from you . and i wish that what i will write about my country and our traditions will be worth too.

today it's a muslim rememberence in my country as in all muslim countries, this vestivity is called AL MAWLED ENNABAWY, that means the birthday of the Profet. it's an interesting date that we celebrate each year, we use the moon calandar, the birthday is always 12 of rabia athani month in the muslim moon calander.

we celebrate this birthday in several ways, and each region have special dished that prepare specially at that day. and the most common dish is called ASIDA, it's done in several varieties too, in my home mother use to do special ASIDA, the traditional one, and some other modern, my favorite one is the ASIDAT EZZGOUGOU. today i had took some photos of this dish, just look at that photos.

this dish we use to eat it in morning each MAWLED .

ok, today at 10.00 i gone to SOUSSE, i had visited the Informatic Fair. i spend there several years, and discovered several news at matirials.....

also in the Fair, i had met my old Teacher, he was teaching as the arabic linguistics at secondary school, he teached us this desipline in the year 1987, i was so happy to met with him. and i am happy also because he is always remembering me.

we talked alot, and i know that he is not teaching now, and also that he had an illness some years ago, and for that he was anable to teach again.

about Sakura(Cherry blossom)

Last Saturday I went to Ueno park and saw Sakura(Cherry blossom)...

Sakura is the national flower. Japanese have 2 national flowers, Sakura(Cherry blossom) and Kiku(Chrysanthemum).
We can see simbolized chrysanthemum on passport. it is Japanese National emblem. This emblem is also Japanese Emperor's emblem.

We don't use sakura for national emblem. But I think generally Japanese people believe sakura is special flower.
We can see Sakura only short time, about 2 weeks. If it is rain, sakura flower fall and lost easily.
Sakura is often compered to Human life. Blooming sakura is beautiful, it compared to prosperity of life. Falling sakura is compared end of life or end of prosperity. Falling sakura also beautiful. I like best it. Falling sakura is not only compared end of life, but compared to beautiful end and end is short time.

From ancient times to moderm times, many Japanese writers have written novel, essay, poem about sakura. They have not want to describe only plant of sakura, but compared to life. samurai warriors belived "beautiful" die as if falling sakura. This beautiful means honor.


I cook dinner everyday. I think it is not Japanese cuisine. But I want to take my life photo and introduce it.

I have to "clean" my refrigerator. After cleaning, I want to mix spagetti and eat it.
Spagetti is easy to cook, and cheap, but Today flour price have been rising. so in the future spagetti is more expensive, isn't it??.


differences between hallusinations dream, and want


thanks so much for the usuful and interesting informations about the japanese food. it looks also so attractive at the photo.

about us the most popular tunisian food is called COUSCOUS. and it's made in different ways and types

i would like also to thank you about the interesting ideas when you are comenting the paragraph that i had wrote about hallusinations, sure you have reason, and i agree with you that persons whom wants to become writers... shall have some thing as dream.

but at this point i shall presise, that when i use the word hallusination i use it as a specific conception, it is so different different of dream or want... in my idea, hallusinations can't help poeple to be creative, or to do anything, because hallusinating persons don't use to do they don't react.... the specific word that can be good is to say that they have dream or want. sure dreaming or wanting can encorage them to do their best and to create good things.

so about my students, i like if they will be more creative and more motivated, and getting off with bad hallusinations.

now i am near family, last day after finishing my work, i traveled to home for visiting family, and spend my vaccation with them. every year i get 2 weeks of vaccation in the second half of march, we call it the spring holidays.

this vaccation will be specific in my family, my younger brother will celebrate his KHOUTOUBA, it means the first engagement with his future wife.

thoses days i will finish preparing the new book to be published, and i have several plans to write now novels


description is more important than hallucination


hallucination?, hallucination is important. But if your students hope they will become writer, novelist, literary critic, they have to describe their hallucination, don't you??
Once I misunderstood that I can use Japanese smoothly, this means I can describe all of thing in Japanese. To describe my hallucinate, I have to get knowledge about Japanese and to train how to write.

When I was high school student, I used to write short story. But sometimes I found that my friends can't understand what I wrote. They said, my story idea was good, but description was not good... Then I only wrote my feeling in my story, and I hoped that my friend was moved by my story. But It was only my hallucination.

After graduating high school, when I studied stenograph, my japanese was improved. At last I found that even mother tongue, if we have to study language function. And If I write a story, essay and so on, I have to know how to discribe.


Today I ate "Wagashi".... it is Japanese traditional sweets.
Spring comming and we want to go out and eat season "wagashi"...

But I think it is expencive!! it is too small, but every wagashi price is 140yen...
Today news said 1 US dollar value decrease 99yen, so every wagashi is about 1.4US dollar...



the modern youth hallusinations

it's so strange what is happen with our youth... they live the hallusinations daily... perhaps that i am wrong? or my be i don't understand their way of thinking... but i am sure that this seams to be abnormal...

every day i use to work with youth, i teach them linguistics, and i discover that they have no motivation to study hardly or to work, and prepare what they shall prepare...

when i discuss that with them, they usually replay that the world is changing, and they must not been as old poeple was.... i agree with that point, i respect that, but in a condition, if they will really have their own new values, and a clear vision of the world...

what histoneshed me in them , is that want to be different, to be original, but they have no real way of life in which they want to show their existance.....

for example to be different in their eyes is to not study, to not respect others, to not do their work..... and to dream at a wenderful future..... they are motivated only to create hallusinations...

this hallusination, is their alexire of life, so they look so lasy, and dream to become for example a famous leader, a famous and clever thinker or writer, a respectiful master of an entreprise... or a well knowen songer or footballor...............

and when they awaik from that desise they'll discover that they had lost their life... i know several examples.... and sure they will exist more and more, for that my heart is daily looking cuted when i sow them contenuing this wrong way...

i am so upset to see every day that my students think at this way, and don't understand what we say to them, or trying to not understand that and accepting advises...


What is Koukan-Nikki??

Hello... thank you for your message... and we can try to start "Koukan-Nikki".

Konkan-Nikki is Japanese, it means Koukan (exchange) and Nikki (diary). When I was Junior high school student, I liked to exchange "Koukan-Nikki" with my friends. "Koukan-Nikki" is based to write Notebook, and share same Note book. According to this rule, it is difficult for us to try "Koukan-Nikki", but now we can use weblog to exchange message as if exchange "Koukan-Nikki".

Through this trial, I can know foreign country life and introduce my Japan life...